Course Topics

Stealth Products is proud to offer the following courses to meet your continuing education needs. Several of these topics can be presented in various time frames to fit your requirements. Topics can be combined, as well, to fill a one to two day education event. CEUs are provided for each course.

If you are interested in a course in your area, please contact Michelle Hoad at

Power Wheelchair Alternative Drive Controls (4 or 6 hours)

Power wheelchairs can provide independent mobility for many people with physical limitations. However, not everyone can use a standard joystick due to limitations in motor control or muscle strength. This course will present a variety of alternative proportional and digital access methods with clinical indicators for each. Hands-on time with individual access methods and opportunities to program will be included. Case studies will be used throughout and audience participation is encouraged.

Power Wheelchair Alternative Drive Controls for People with Increased Muscle Tone (2 hours)

This course will address alternative driving methods for power wheelchairs that are often appropriate for clients who have increased muscle tone. Increase muscle tone generally reduces fine motor control and the ability to use a standard joystick. Programming strategies for this population will also be addressed. Finally, mobility training strategies will be presented.

Power Wheelchair Alternative Drive Controls for People with Muscle Weakness (2 hours)

This course will address alternative driving methods for power wheelchairs that are often appropriate for clients with muscle weakness. Driving methods must capture very small movements with little or no force. Use of these driving methods is very dependent on adequate postural support and mounting of the driving method itself. Programming strategies for this population will also be addressed.

Pediatric Power Mobility (2 or 4 hours)

Research indicates that even very young children can benefit from independent mobility, specifically in the areas of cognitive, visual and psychosocial development. For children with physical motor limitations, this mobility may be powered. This session will review the current research and discuss clinical implications for the children we work with. The longer session also includes determining readiness for a power wheelchair, developing those readiness skills and optimizing driving after a power wheelchair is recommended.

Bringing New Technologies to Power Wheelchair Assessment and Training (2 hours)

Power wheelchair assessment and training is critical to determine if someone can use a power wheelchair, determine which driving method is appropriate, and optimize driving. While various strategies and tools are available, assessment and training have often been limited by lack of equipment, space, and qualified team members. Newer options such as Virtual Reality and Mobility Training Apps are now available that not only bring cutting edge technology to the process but expand opportunities to perform assessment and training with less space and equipment. Hands-on time will be included.

Positioning for Function (4 or 6 hours)

This course will systematically address common positioning challenges of the pelvis, trunk, lower extremities, upper extremities and the head.  Positioning strategies, including primary seating surfaces and secondary supports, will be presented in a functional context. Mounting options for assistive technology access methods and devices will also be presented. Case studies will be used throughout, and audience participation is encouraged.

Slip Sliding Away – Positioning the Pelvis (2 hours)

What is the cornerstone of wheelchair positioning? The pelvis. The position of the pelvis very much determines the position of the trunk and lower extremities and so achieving and maintaining the optimal position is critical. This course will present common pelvic asymmetries with suggested strategies to address each challenge. Providing as neutral a pelvic position as possible improves overall posture, stability and function.

Sit up Straight! Positioning the Trunk (2 hours)

What needs to be considered when positioning the trunk in wheelchair seating? If asymmetries are reducible, then the goal becomes to achieve symmetry as close to neutral as possible. If the asymmetries are non-reducible, then the seating system must accommodate the shape of the spine and ribcage to distribute pressure and reduce risk of further loss of range as well as pressure injuries. This course will present common trunk asymmetries with suggested strategies to address each challenge. Providing as neutral a trunk position as possible improves overall posture, stability and function.

Heads Up! Positioning the Head (2 hours)

You’ve positioned the client. You’ve tried every head support available. And yet your client spends most of their time looking at their lap. This course will discuss various strategies to optimize head position. First, we will explore strategies beyond the head support, including specific positioning interventions and addressing visual issues. Second, we will explore posterior head supports in depth, matching specific features to client needs. Third, we will explore other options which may be required if posterior support alone is inadequate, including anterior head support. Case studies will be used throughout.

Supporting the Primary Support Surfaces – appropriate use of secondary supports (2 hours)

All wheelchair seating systems have some sort of seat and back surface. We may add some lateral supports, as well, such as lateral trunk supports. But what about those secondary supports? Supports such as pelvic belts, anterior trunk supports, and ankle straps are often seen as limiting movement and function – and sometimes even labeled as a restraint. This course will explore secondary supports and appropriate clinical applications. We will also discuss what to do when secondary supports are required, and team members have restraint concerns. Case studies will be included.

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