Power Mobility: Pediatric Power Wheelchair Assessment and Training
August 12, 2019
8:00am to 3:00pm
Jeffco Public Schools
Fletcher Miller School| 200 Kipling Street| Lakewood, Colorado 80226
Michelle is an occupational therapist with 30 years of experience and has been in private practice, Access to Independence, for 10 years.
She is a well respected lecturer, both nationally and internationally, and has authored 6 book chapters and over 200 articles. She is the editor of Fundamentals in Assistive Technology, 4th ed. and Clinical Editor of NRRTS Directions magazine. Michelle is on the teaching faculty of RESNA.
Michelle is a member of the Clinician Task Force. She is a certified ATP, certified SMS, and is a Senior Disability Analyst of the ABDA.

ABSTRACT |POWER MOBILITY: Pediatric Power Wheelchair Assessment and Training 6 Hours of Instruction (0.6 CEU)
This course presents pediatric power wheelchair assessment and training, including the importance of early mobility, determining and developing readiness, assessment, mobility training, and alternative driving methods. Research has linked early mobility to specific developmental skills. Assessment strategies determine readiness and identify needs and product parameters. If you work with clients who are not mobile, this course will help you determine if a client is an appropriate candidate for a power wheelchair, participate in an assessment and optimize skills through mobility training. Hands-on time is included.
- The Participant will be able to describe the developmental benefits of early mobility, supported by current research.
- The participant will be able to describe the concept of ‘augmented mobility’
- The participant will be able to list 3 criteria which can be used to determine if a young child is ready for a power mobility device.
- The participant will be able to list 3 strategies to develop readiness skills required to successfully use a power mobility device.
- The participant will be able to list 3 strategies to optimize driving a power wheelchair.
- The participant will be able to describe specific strategies to develop readiness in a child without a power wheelchair.
- The participant will be able to list 3 alternative proportional driving methods and clinical indicators for each.
- The participant will be able to list 3 alternative non-proportional driving methods and clinical indicators for each.
NRRTSCE is certifying the educational contact hours of the program and by doing so is in no way endorsing any specific content, company, or product. The information presented in this program may represent only a sample of appropriate interventions. As an IACET Accredited Provider, The National Registry of Rehabilitation Technology Suppliers offers CEUs for its programs that qualify under the ANSI/IACET Standard. This course is approved for 0.6 CEU.